UK and Ireland Speech News

We are now on Twitter @ukispeech and YouTube @UKISpeech.

July 2024: University of Cambridge

We are pleased to announce that UK and Ireland Speech (UKIS) 2024 will be held at the University of Cambridge on 1-2 July 2024. See our events page for more information. We also welcomed our new committee, comprising Simone Graetzer, Melanie Jouaiti, Erfan Loweimi, Nick Cummins and Morrie Doulaty. See our committee page for more information.

The host of UKIS 2025 was announced as the University of York! Further details will be added to this page.

Code of Conduct for UK and Ireland Speech workshops 

The UKIS committee are pleased to promote and integrate the ISCA code of conduct into our workshops.

This means that we are committed to providing a pleasant conference experience without harassment and discrimination for anyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability and physical appearance.  We do not tolerate any verbal or non-verbal expressions of harassment or discrimination.  Please note that it matters if a person feels harassed or discriminated regardless of the original intent of the expressions. In particular, sexual language and imagery are not appropriate in any conference venue.  Conference participants who engage in inappropriate behavior may be expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizer. These persons may be included in a watchlist for future events.

If you are troubled by workshop behaviour or notice someone in trouble, please contact a member of the UKIS committee.

June 2023: University of Sheffield

We are pleased to announce that UK Speech 2023 will be held at the University of Sheffield on 14-15 June 2023. This year, UK Speech is immediately preceded by the Annual Conference 2023 of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Speech and Language Technologies (SLT) and their Applications (13-14 June).

Further details can be found on the UK Speech 2023 website.  The deadline for abstracts is 5 May 2023.

Sept 2022: University of Edinburgh

After a long postponement due to Covid-19, we are planning on holding UK Speech 2022 at the University of Edinburgh on 5-6 September 2022, i.e. adjacent to SigDial 2022 which will be held at Heriot-Watt University, 7-9 September 2022.

This will be the first in person meeting of the UK and Irish speech technology research community in quite some time.  We are looking forward to seeing the community in in-person again!

Further details can be found on the UKSpeech 2022 website

June 2019: University of Birmingham

UK Speech 2019, the 2019 annual meeting of the UK and Irish speech technology research community, took place at the University of Birmingham.

The conference ran from lunchtime on Monday 24th until late afternoon on Tuesday 25th. The program included a mixture of invited speakers, oral presentation of submitted papers, and poster sessions.

Further details can be found on the UKSpeech 2019 website.

June 2018: Trinity College Dublin

UK Speech 2018 was held in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland on June 25th and 26th. It followed a similar format to previous years: posters, keynotes, etc.

Further details, including program and abstract book can be found on UKSpeech 2018 Website.

Grants for Interspeech 2017 Conference in Stockholm

UKSpeech will be helping students and early-career researchers from the UK and Ireland attend this year’s Interspeech in Stockholm, Sweden.

The deadline for applications is the 30 June 2017 and we will notify successful applicants before the 7 July 2017.

September 2017: University of Cambridge Conference

The sixth UKSpeech conference took place at the University of Cambridge on the 11th & 12th of September 2017.

More details about the conference and abstract submission can be found in the Cambridge Conference Website

Grants for Interspeech 2016 Conference in San Francisco

UKSpeech is now offering a limited number of grants to assist students and young researchers to attend the Interspeech conference.
More details…

June 2016: University of Sheffield Conference

The fifth UKSpeech conference took place at the University of Sheffield on the 20th & 21st of June 2016.

Programme, abstracts and videos are available from the Sheffield Conference Website

July 2015: University of East Anglia Conference

The fourth UKSpeech conference took place at the University of East Anglia
on the 2nd & 3rd July 2015.

Abstracts of papers.

June 2014: Edinburgh Conference

The third UKSpeech Conference took place at the University of Edinburgh on the 9th & 10th June, 2014.

Abstracts of papers and tutorial slides.

September 2013: Cambridge Conference

The second UK Speech conference was held in Cambridge on 17th and 18th September 2013. The abstract book is now available on-line.

December 2012: Birmingham Conference

The first UKSpeech conference was held at the University Of Birmingham on 17/18 December 2012 and attracted 80 delegates. Entitled “UK & Irish Speech Science and Technology Research”, it presented a series of talks from research labs and companies about the research work they are doing in speech. There were also 50 posters from individual researchers. It was a great opportunity to find out about research activities in the UK and Ireland, and to meet some old friends. Thanks to Arnab Goshal for organising the programme and to Martin Russell for local arrangements.

You can still view the programme of talks and posters and book of abstracts.

As a result of the meeting, Arnab has agreed to form a small committee to plan another event. If you would like to contribute ideas or a venue, please contact Arnab, or use the UKSpeech mailing list.

Introducing the new UKSpeech web site

UKSpeech was formed in 2003 to organise one-day meetings for speech researchers in the United Kingdom. Its series of workshops for Young Researchers in speech have been very popular, and we hope to hold another event in the series soon.

This relaunched web site will be the new home of UKSpeech and the basis for a new range of UKSpeech activities. This is a community site where members of the community can advertise themselves, their events, their jobs or studentships, their academic or training courses among other things. Anyone can add to the listings or edit listings, although all information is validated by e-mail address and checked by the site moderator. We hope you find the site useful. Please add reverse links from your web site to make this site easier to find.